Disability and Human Services Audits

We understand the unique challenges facing human services organisations across Australia. Quantum Certification Services’ experienced Disability and Human Services team can provide your organisation with reliable, high-quality audit services.  We work in partnership with you throughout the audit process and our aim is to value add and ensure you have a positive audit experience.

Because Quantum is accredited to a range of disability and human services standards, we can conduct integrated audits for organisations that must be audited for multiple standards.  Benefits of an integrated audit program include a reduced number of audits over the audit cycle and cost savings.

National Standards for Disability Services

Quantum's experienced team conducts National Standards for Disability Services audits for Disability Employment Services funded by the Australian Government to provide Disability Management Services and Employment Support Services and to help people with disability find work and keep a job. Disability Employment Services must meet the requirements of the independent...

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework

Quantum is an NDIS Approved Quality Auditor, accredited by JASANZ to conduct verification and certification audits of registered NDIS Providers.  Quantum's qualified audit team are all professionals with experience within the disability and health and human services sector. Quantum can conduct audits in all Australian States and Territories. We can...

Quality Assurance Framework – Workforce Australia Employment Services Providers

The Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) sets out the minimum standards of quality for Workforce Australia Providers.  To achieve certification, Providers must achieve certification against one of the 2 approved Quality Standards and demonstrate adherence to the Department's 7 Quality Principles. Quantum is your one stop shop for certification to the...